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Grapevine Red Blotch Disease (GRBD)

Vector(s) Live Map
GRBV Vector(s)
GRBD Symptoms
Additional GRBD Resources
IMG_2573_Pinot Noir_mlc.jpeg

Grapevine red blotch virus (GRBV) is the causal agent of Red blotch disease (GRBD), an incurable grapevine disease that affects pH, sugar and phenolic accumulation (Blanco-Ulate et al. 2017; Girardello et al. 2019) & ultimately reduces wine quality.

Typical red blotch leaf symptoms (V. vinifera cv. Pinot noir (PC: ML Cooper)

Insect monitoring

S. Vengco

Spissistilus festinus

Threecornered Alfalfa Hopper (TCAH) 

Scaphytopius graneticus (side).jpeg
Scaphytopius graneticus.jpeg

K. Daane

tortistilus tree hopper Cindy Kron.png
tortistilus tree hopper Brian Bahder.png

B. Bahder

C. Kron

Scaphytopius sp.

Tortistilus albidosparsus

RBD vectors
Comparing TCAH to Tortistilus

T. albidosparsus is generally larger than TCAH


C. Kron

C. Kron

Lateral ridge:

T. albidosparsus: meets above thorax

TCAH: meets further down the body

If you were T. albidosparsus, your lateral ridge would meet at your shoulder blade, whereas if you were TCAH your lateral ridge would meet at your mid to lower back.

Spissistilus festinus (TCAH) 

Video: H. Fendell-Hummel

T. albidosparsus: "flat face" & lateral ridge closer to a 90° angle. TCAH: curved "face" & lateral ridge at an obtuse angle.


C. Kron


C. Kron

Spissistilus festinus (TCAH) 

Video: S. Vengco

Additional Vector Resources
Handout redblotch vectors.png
GRBD Foliar Symptoms

Reddening of the leaf blade in a blotchy pattern is a characteristic visual symptom of red blotch disease in black-fruited cultivars. White-fruited cultivars have less obvious visual symptoms.

These photo galleries showcase visual symptoms for red blotch disease or vines that are not infected with GRBV.

Visual symptoms of GRBD

Vines not infected with GRBV

Test your red blotch symptom knowledge with a short quiz!

Additional GRBD Resources

We are developing a vision-based AI application (Virus Vision) to assist with red blotch and leafroll disease symptom identification. For more information (en espanol)
"La inteligencia artificial y el manejo de enfermedades causadas por virus"

Wine Industry Network Webcast: 
Grapevine Disease Detection and Prevention

RBD symptms
RBD Resources
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