The info-graphic above details data from 192 traps throughout 16 growing regions in Napa county. Traps are checked every 3 weeks during the growing season. Traps are categorized as riparian, building (ornamental), PD site, and 50-500m. Riparian and building traps are located ≤ 50m away from a riparian area or building. Intermediate traps are 50-500m from a riparian area or building. PD site traps were part of previous trials.

Pierce's Disease Incidence in Napa County (2016-2022)
In addition to BGSS monitoring, we are mapping Pierce’s disease incidence to understand long-term disease trends across Napa County. From 2016-2018, we mapped PD incidence in 16 vineyard blocks. We mapped 23 blocks in 2020, 21 blocks in 2021, and 20 blocks in 2022. Since the most recent peak of PD in 2016, we have observed a decline in new infections and overall PD incidence.

GRBV Vector(s) LIVE Map
From 2021-2024, the UCCE Napa Vit Team will be monitoring vectors in 9 unique vineyard blocks in Napa County across 6 AVAs. Our grower partners are monitoring 22 blocks across 11 AVAs, for a collective total of 31 blocks in 12 different AVAs.
In addition to monitoring vectors the UCCE team, along with participating growers, are also monitoring TCAH feeding girdles throughout the county,​
2022 Leafhoppers
From March to August of 2022 the UCCE vit team monitored three different species of leafhopper populations (Western Grape, Virginia Creeper and Variegated) from three study sites. Yellow panel traps were used to trap and count adults while the undersides of leaves were observed to count nymphs.
In the dashboard, you can see nymph and adult counts for the individual sites as well as the aggregate count between all sites from week to week. Click the arrows to view counts of the 3 different species.